Welcome to FOBS (Friends of Bovey School)

As a parent at Bovey Tracey Academy, you’re automatically a member of FOBS. It’s a great way to get to know parents and carers of children in other years and members of staff.

Our goal is to provide the funding to help enhance and further the children’s learning experiences and opportunities. Our funds benefit all the children and come from the fundraising initiatives and events we hold during the school year.

We hold many events throughout the year including: non-school uniform days; school discos; quiz nights; bingo and our annual Summer Fair. This year, we’re funding 4 groups (art, drama, sporting activities and circus skills) to deliver sessions to the children. We’ve also donated £200 to each class to spend on whatever they choose.


You don’t even have to wait until an event to start fundraising. Join The Giving Machine (https://www.thegivingmachine.co.uk sign-up code: 58901) and you will raise money for us simply by doing your online shopping.

We all have something to give. Even if you have younger children at home or only a small amount of time, could you come to a meeting, help set up an event, serve food or design a poster? Perhaps you have a professional skill you could help us out with? You don’t have to come into the school; many of our volunteering tasks can be done from home. The most important skills you can bring are enthusiasm and a willingness to get stuck in.

Look out for our termly newsletter. If you would like to know more about the kinds of things we run and the events we hold, please join our Facebook group, look at our website or email us – https://facebook.com/boveyfobs; https://www.pta-events.co.uk/btspta/; or email: boveyfobs@gmail.com.

FOBS look forward to getting to know you,

FOBS Summer Newsletter 2024


Upcoming Events
