Our Vision
This is our north star, it’s what drives us all forward in the same direction. It is what we aspire to and is built from our values and ethos.
Every pupil at Bovey Tracey Primary School will gain the knowledge and skills to reach their full potential, understand the world they live in and be confident that they can play a positive and active part in their next school, our community and society.
Our Values & Ethos underpin our Vision and Strategy and define our collective identity as a school
Our Values
Our Values are designed to protect others, respect differences, and foster a sense of belonging. Everyone in our school community understands the importance of and endeavours to demonstrate:
• Compassion to all
• High Aspirations for all
• Equity for all and in everything we do
• Enjoyment and Achievement in everything we do
• Resilience always and with every task
• Self- Belief
These Values guide all decision making and demonstrate how our school community performs and behaves when at its best.
Our Ethos
Our overriding concern is for the wellbeing of every part of the school community. When you are part of our school community, we want you to feel:
• we make time to understand each child and member of our community individually so they can thrive
• we always operate a non-judgemental approach
• we balance challenge with positive support
• we are sensitive to diverse views, and we play to strengths
and Informed:
• we model openness and transparency
• we set clear expectations of performance and accountability