Extra Curricular Clubs

We have a wide range of clubs that children can join, to develop an established interest, or try a new one.

Gardening Club

Our volunteers run a fabulous gardening club after school on Tuesdays, 3.15 – 4.45pm, for children from Years 5 and 6. Children have the opportunity to grow their own plants, make bug houses, create a wildflower meadow, and much more.  For more information please email the school office: boveytracey@lapsw.org


Music is really important to us at Bovey Tracey Academy. We perform to the public at the Craft Fair, the Christmas Lights switch on, and hold summer concerts for family and friends. But we mostly just enjoy singing and making music together!

Monday:  Senior Choir  Yr 3-6 8am in the Studio

Wednesday: Musical Theatre,   Meet at the school gates @ 8am Charge of £3 per session

Thursday : Singing Ensemble,  Meet at school gates @ 8am Charge of £4 per session

Friday : Year 6 Band, Meet at school gates @ 8am

If you have any questions regarding our clubs, or would like to join, please chat to us or email boveytracey@lapsw.org. We also have a number of visiting music teachers who can offer lessons, please contact us on the email above if you would like further information.

Sports Clubs

We are hosting Saints South West to run after school sports clubs this term.  Please see the links below for more information.

KS2 Football Club (7 – 11yrs) at Bovey Tracey Primary School, Bovey Tracey | Saints Southwest | Powered by ClassForKids

KS2 Dodgeball (7 – 11 yrs ) https://saints-southwest.classforkids.io/info/1595

Spanish Club 

This popular club is run by Patty from the Kidslingo Franchise. Please use this link below to contact Patty and book directly.

Hola! Join our Spanish after school clubs on Wednesdays and Thursdays!

We have very few spaces left and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Waiting list is available if a club is full.

Learning a language at a young age helps children to grow in self-confidence and boosts their natural creativity. There is a fantastic window of opportunity during early years development where children can absorb a language without even realising it!

At Kidslingo, we are dedicated to teaching Spanish to children through fun. 

We use games, songs, movement drama and stories to bring the language to life and inspire our learners. We are Makaton friendly.

  • Please use the link below for more information.

To register your child, please go to the link below, select Bovey Tracey primary school and click on enrol now (whole term) or trial course (6 weeks). 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.




Breakfast Club

Welcome to Bovey Tracey Breakfast Club. We run a relaxed session for a gentle start to the day. The children are offered toast with a choice of toppings and fruit juice or water. Children can bring in their own books, pens and pencils and a small comfort toy if needed (which must be put away in bags before going to class).

The children are encouraged to sit and chat to each other or they can watch the DVD or read. Younger children are escorted to class by staff.  All staff have a valid DBS check and are already employed in some capacity at the school. I am a qualified teacher, work closely with school staff and have been running the club since 2014.

Please refer to the link below for more details or to download the registration form.

Sally Morgan  07811 825707 for enquiries and bookings.

Breakfast Club Registration form 2021


After School Club

We aim to provide high quality childcare within a warm and welcoming environment. The individuality of each child in our care will be respected and nurtured and we will ensure each child feels happy, safe and secure, allowing them to learn and develop freely in a play centred environment.

Although we work closely with the school and operate on school premises, we are run independently and can be contacted on 07854063169.

Please find more information about us below.

Vicky and the After School Club Team 

BTASC Registration form June 2022 BTASC – Mission Statement June 2022 BTASC Prospectus June 2022 BTASC – Acceptable Behaviour Policy June 2022